Emotions are just motion

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It’s okay to feel anger and sadness. Your feelings matter. As a student of mine keeps saying “emotional” every time I say the word motion, I’m reminded emotions are motions always ebbing and flowing. Every day we begin our day with what I have dubbed therapy time during our morning meeting. If students feel comfortable telling how they feel and why, they can. They are allowed to opt our from both or just tell how they are feeling. This is telling them it’s okay to have these emotions. How you react to those feelings is the difference.

Moving back to my opening line, it’s okay to feel both anger and sadness. Even though I know my peace and worth is in God and Jesus, human emotions still creep into my life. I need to give myself grace and permission to feel them. Not wallow in them but allow them to take up space for a moment. I can’t allow them to be bottled up because they will explode on me. I need to find a way to let them out. I do that through writing, exercise, texting or calling a friend, making videos, and praying.

This past week, my vibe has been off. It’s been 4 years since I found my mom dead. My friend was supposed to be visiting. I’m sad and angry and that’s okay. In the days to come, I will feel better because I know emotions are just motion.

Stay kind!

Have a magical day,

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