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2. Write a blog post inspired by the word: treat

Last week, I traveled to Rochester, New York to visit one of my best friends, Molly. We hadn’t seen each other since July. I had only been to western New York once and that was on our way to Niagara Falls so it was an adventure for me.

After the death of my sister last August, my pastor spoke about bucket lists. I felt as though my sister did not fulfill her bucket list if she even had one. Traveling is on my bucket list.

Molly mentioned an ice cream place called Scoops. Scoops is located across from one of the 11 Finger Lakes in western New York.

Canandaigua Lake is known for their historic boat houses from 1910 and being Humphrey Bogart’s summer home.

Molly and I kept talking about going to Scoops almost every day I was in New York. However, we never actually got to Scoops because of eating other treats such as Stever’s chocolate truffles or macarons.

Finally on Sunday of the trip, we ate our late lunch by Canandaigua Lake. It was an absolute gorgeous day with the lake sparkling because of the abundant amount of sunlight. After eating our lunch, we walked down Scoops to eat the special treat of Perry’s Ice Cream.

I ended up eating a scoop of Cannoli and a scoop of Deep Sea Treasure in a cup. Since it was a hot day, it was a wonderful treat.

Here are some photos of Scoops. They had chairs, tables, and trashcans shaped like ice cream cones was so cool. It was a treat for my eyes.



Have a magical day,

Mama’s Losin’ It

9 responses to “Scoops”

  1. Morgan Avatar

    The décor is absolutely adorable. Was the ice cream as magical as the place that served it?

    I’ve started working on a “bucket list”, I call it my 39 list and some of the items are kind of silly, but hey, we all have different things we want to do. I think the tab on my blog is called the 39 list and I’m always looking for new ideas.

    What other things do you have on your list?

    1. traci Avatar

      I had the cannoli ice cream. It was delicious. I would say it was magical because we sat by the lake and ate it.

      Hubby and I want to visit a zoo or aquarium in every state. Ive got 3 states that he does not have.

      I also want to work at Disney after I retire. My friend I visited and I don’t want to become grumpy old ladies so I think working at Disney would help with that.

  2. Christy Avatar

    I don’t know that I really have a bucket list, but there are things that I think would be fun to do and places I would love to visit.

    I LOVE those tables and chairs! What a fun place for ice cream!

  3. John Holton Avatar

    Aren’t you happy you went?

    1. traci Avatar

      Yes I am.

  4. Lori Avatar

    What a fun place! There’s nothing like really good ice cream and it doesn’t even need to be hot to appreciate it. So sorry to hear about your sister. I don’t really have a bucket list. Well…there is one thing I really want to do and that’s to travel the country in a trailer or RV. That’s my list.

    1. traci Avatar

      My bucket list is to experience as much of the United States as possible. Hubby and I want to go to a zoo or aquarium in ever state. I also want to work in Disney when I retire.

  5. Kat Avatar

    I’ve never heard of scoops before, but it’s too cute. Now it’s on MY bucket list!

  6. Back to Canandaigua Lake (Blog Post #14) – Believe in the Magic Traci Diary Avatar

    […] we finished eating, we walked along the shore line to Scoops for some ice cream.  Even though I have already shared photos of Scoops, I have included the […]

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